Rain Dance

Rain Dance


Maybe not one to perform outside?! Puzzle Pieces: Rain Dance takes its lead from Native American traditional rainmaking dances.

Wind players might find it better to rest for the first few bars of the repeat, coming back in again at A. Encourage a theatrical approach to the vocalisations and foot stamping at the end!

ADDITIONAL SHEETS – Vocalisation rhythm sheet (for tutor)


Puzzle Pieces: Rain Dance – Quick Details

Part Levels
Bb Brass/Trom 4
Eb Brass/Tuba 4
Clarinet 4 (6)
Alto Sax 4
Flute 4
Recorder 4
Guitar 3
Ukulele 3
Violin 4
Cello 4
Perc./Drums 4
Tuned Perc. 3
Boomwhacker 3
Melody in C LM, HM
Melody in Bb LM, HM
Melody in Eb LM, HM
Part Levels
Bb Brass/Tbn 4
Eb Brass/Tba 4
Clarinet 4 (6)
Alto Sax 4
Flute 4
Recorder 4
Guitar 3
Ukulele 3
Violin 4
Cello 4
Perc./Drums 4
Tuned Perc. 3
Boomw’k’r 3
C Melody LM, HM
Bb Melody LM, HM
Eb Melody LM, HM


The table shows the number of levels available for each instrument. Each instrumental part you select will contain ALL the levels for that instrument plus a score.

  • M: melody part
  • LM: low melody part
  • HM: high melody part
  • A: advanced melody part
  • LA: low advanced melody part
  • HA: high advanced melody part
  • +ch: chord chart for guitar/ukulele

The number of clarinet parts in brackets indicates extra “b” parts available that go over the break.


Time Signature: 4/4

Backing Track Available?: YES

Flexible Ensemble Parts Available?: NO

Introduction: 4 BARS

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