Rounds, Songs and Pentagram Dance

Rounds, Songs and Pentagram Dance


To accompany the Puzzle Pieces material, there are also a variety of composing projects and here we’ve grouped three of them together (as they don’t have backing tracks) – RoundsSongs, and Pentagram Dance.



The Rounds worksheets are simply step-by-step instruction on how to get your group to start composing their own round.

Round uses notes from the same chord to create a melody where each bar can be played at the same time to create harmony

Image of the first page of the "Rounds" PDF download


The Songs worksheets give some ideas and starting points for classes or groups to work on composing and arranging their own songs.

Image of the front page of the "Songs" worksheets PDF

Pentagram Dance

The Pentagram Dance worksheets use the visual aid of the star to explain Pentatonic scales and suggest how to compose with them.

It comes with a blank worksheet that can be copied or printed out for everyone in the group to have a go at creating their own ostinato or song!

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